Reply To: Homeschooling in ‘Yeshivish’ circles

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Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. The decission to homeschool would depend on the situation. For us, it was that or public school (some of the frum kids did that). If I lived in such a town, I would try to move but if I could not, I would homeschool rather then send my children to public school. Homeschooling has its advantages but the socail aspect left me behind when I switched into a regular school. Maybe I would do it for the younger grades and switch them in when they got to 3rd or 4th grade, rather then later on when we moved. But you still must be able to teach your children, besides secular and lemudai kodesh, but how to sit in a classroom, follow directions and listen to someone else teach (not their mother). Furthermore, they would have to get used to learning in a group and not getting 100% of the teacher’s attention at a time. Maybe do what a few families I know did- they all went to one place to do their homework/schoolwork but the parents hired one teacher to answer their questions. It taught them to listen to someone who is not their mother, wait their turn for questions to be answered, and still they got to learn at their own pace and they got the self-motivation lesson. Maybe learn lemudei kodesh together or something. There were no homeschooling groups in our community since it was too small, so I cannot tell you whether or not to join one. It may be beneficial to get the social interaction. Be aware that children need friends, and once they get into school-age, their friends are the ones who they are in class with. By not being a part of that class, they may lose out on friends.

I managed alright, but it was difficult the first year or so, especially since my teachers did not understand my situation.