Reply To: Best way to break in with nine-inch stilettos before Yom Tov?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Best way to break in with nine-inch stilettos before Yom Tov? Reply To: Best way to break in with nine-inch stilettos before Yom Tov?


Of course, ALL my friends wear knives, they look awfully good in their hair, and taste very good when you swallow them. 😉

why do you need to wear heels? To inpress all the people that might be your husband one day? Sure, he’ll look back and be like “remember a few years b4 we actually went on a date, i saw you in those crazy nine inch heels…”

Bookworm120, glad to have you join us! I really like your sense of humor, Ive been scouring the CR for more posts from you! 🙂