Reply To: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate

Home Forums Shidduchim Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate Reply To: Giving Negative Information About a Shidduch Candidate


When I call a Rav with a shayla, the least of my worries is whether I’ll be getting an honest, unbiased, truthful answer.

But here comes ABS-SA, who says,

“discuss the issue with a neutral Rav, and only then…”

What exactly is a neutral Rav?

What sort of Rav is that?

Are you saying that there is also a Rav who is NOT neutral?

Are you saying it’s not enough to call your trusted possek for an answer?

And if there does indeed exist such an entity as a “non-neutral Rav” whom I cannot trust in inyanei shidduchim, can he be trusted in Hilchos Shabbos? Hilchos Ribbis? Bassar be’chalav?

Are we doubting his ne’emanus in dinei lashon hara and lifnei ivver, but giving him a pass on other issues?

Are we doubting his ne’emanus only when parties involved are his acquaintances or relatives?

Please advise.