Reply To: Ashkenaz & Sephardic Marriages?

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It is very difficult for a young woman and her family when she has to make so many changes to her natural customs. Many, many things that she has learned at home and in school are no longer valid and it is not so easy to feel comfortable about it. The changes do effect the entire family, as when you name your first born boy and girl after your living in-laws. In addition, the Pesach minhagim, the minhagim for the three weeks/nine days and others are not so easy to get used to.

The Sephardy community are very strict in many ways and the RAV in the community rules. He knows a lot of what goes on in each household and there is very little he does not know. And I mean that very literally. From what I am told, EVERYTHING is discussed with the RAV, way more than any ashkenazi girl may be used to. Their changes as you will start to get used to the Sephardy way of life, way of cooking, way of celebrating, etc.

Sephardy women grow up knowing what to expect in a sephardic marriage. They are trained by their parents and understand their own way of life.