Reply To: Ashkenaz & Sephardic Marriages?

Home Forums Shidduchim Ashkenaz & Sephardic Marriages? Reply To: Ashkenaz & Sephardic Marriages?


I find this entire conversation funny. Here in Israel in the Dati-Leumi community the question really does not come up. Ashkenazim and Sepharadim “intermarry” at a very high rate Baruch Hashem! The reason for that is that there is complete integration. There is no such thing really as a Ashkenazi or Sephardi Yeshiva, there is a Yeshiva and everyone learns together. Same with with the girl ulpana, so everyone in the end becomes familiar with everyones minhagim.

The Yeshiva Kitana of Karnei Shomron for instance decided to do implement the Sephardic Selichot in the Ashkenazi time frame. The students like the singing and communal chanting of the Sephardim and you go in there and the place is roaring. I think that there has to start being a integration of Minhagim as this will lead to greater Ahavat Chinam!