Reply To: Bnos Agudas Yisroel – Conditioning

Home Forums In The News Bnos Agudas Yisroel – Conditioning Reply To: Bnos Agudas Yisroel – Conditioning


The cultural conditioning that article bemoans is (and is reflected in) the attitude given over to (and absorbed by) the girls, NOT the very act of going to work.

And my point is that while bemoaning one type of cultural conditioning (which is not in place for most Bais Yaakov girls), they promote

“subtle and not so subtle cultural conditioning determined to mold their value system to conform to the world around them”,

just that world is the Yeshivish one. It is somewhat hypocritical to complain when you are trying to do the same thing (on purpose!), but allow it for a “noble” cause.