Reply To: The requirement for everyone to give Tochachah

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This is the yeztaer hara talking!

No, it’s common sense that no one listens to me. Your anecdote is not evidence to the contrary.

This is the yezter hara talking! Shaul was also exceedingly humble, until he was so humble he did not listen to Hashem when he had to be strict and tough. And we all know how his story ended.

So what are you saying? That I’m going to end up attempting (or committing) suicide to prevent myself from falling into the hands of the Phillistines? That would probably make the world a better place anyway…

Thats horrible, you should be friendly as well.

Yeah, that’s me. Horrible for being an introvert. Horrible for being uncomfortable around people in many circumstances (especially large crowds). Horrible for minding my own business rather than burdening other people with my presence beyond what is necessary.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

The Wolf