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The little I know

The mitzvah of tochacha is contingent on the result. This is clearly stated in Mesilas Yeshorim Perek 20, and it appears in the Rambam also (don’t know the citation). The MY states clearly that if the result will backfire, the mitzvah is to say nothing. This is another area where someone might look to be machmir-meikil simultaneously.

Food for thought: Eliyahu Hanavi dealt with a situation in which he gave tochacha lavishly, and he was chased and hounded by Izevel trying to kill him. He ran away, and ended up on Har Chorev (aka Har Sinai), where he hid in a cave. HKB”H appeared to him and showed him massive fire and booming thunderous sounds. The message was, “Lo bo’aish Hashem, Lo bora’ash Hashem” After that, there was a “kol demomoh dakoh”, a whispering tone, containing the presence of Hashem. Nice message. Each time, Eliyahu Hanavi continued his complaint to rationalize his tochacha and the dire consequence it caused. The next statement by HKB”H was that Eliyahu return to Eretz Yisroel, and choose his successor, Elisha. The leadership, that ended up in Eliyahu becoming a kano’i, using the tool of tochacha, was inconsistent with his role as a leader.

There are many issues that comprise the formula of tochacha. Some can give it, others not. Some can receive it, others not. How, when, and where to give it are also factors. If we spent as much time on this subject, relevant to everyone daily, as we do on the halachos of other matters, we might have more to be proud of in the midos department.