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Yes, I understand that. I was talking about those who are to be found there today.

When the 4 captive rabbis where redeemed, there was obviously an already established Jewish community there in Spain, which would show that they got there before the end of the Geonim period. Although, the fact is that there aren’t any known Rabbanim before that time in any other land. This could be likened, however, to the situation in America, where the Torah came long after the Jewish communities.

As an interesting fact, I read in a Jacob Marcus book a letter that an Arab man wrote to his brother, in the time of the Amoraim, describing a boat ride. The captain was Jewish and on Shabbos he refused to control it. This Arab hung his sword over the captain’s head and threatened his head, but he ignored him and learned from a scroll. Then, when a storm came and became dangerous, the Jew said that now it is a matter of life and death and he may now control the skipper.

It seems from here that Yidden were all over the place at that time already. Also, you see how the Jew knew not to take an Arab seriously. Another thing I saw in this letter was his overblown description of the terrible events that happened then, and that you’ll never believe it had you not seen it yourself. I guess now is not the first time they’ve been feeding the media.