Reply To: Why are the Hashgochos promulgating a fraud: Oat Matzos

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Just curious busybody, did you ever see oats in the raw, did you ever see it growing? Yeah,I saw, I wouldn’t make oatmeal for pesach, but I humbly would desist from making any brocho other than adomo on it. DAGAN, ok, hameshes haminim, enough to say only maybe.

MDG: I bake sourdough (really really chometz) I did straight barley with just my wheat based starter (about 5% of the batter including water– I read what you read and didn’t want to waste the starter.) With a real long proofing time, it came out something flat like an english muffin, and somewhat tougher. It tasted medium bad, but it had tzuras hapas. As to baking powder, there is a fascinating discussion of hamutz al yedei davar acher, starting with Rav Bakeshi Doron, and followed by lots of arguments. (kovetz hamoadim, pesach bais. (Moriah)

Dr Hall: I apologized for the phrasing of the title already. Just if you accept that the mechanics of hametz requires gluten, oats just doesn’t make the cut. I know that there are times where halacha follows reality, and times where halacha paskins its own reality, I sense that this is one of the former.