Reply To: Donald trump poll

Home Forums Politics Donald trump poll Reply To: Donald trump poll

Avram in MD


You miss my point.

What makes you think I missed it?

I used to take politics seriously when I actually thought it was supposed to make sense, or that I could make a difference.

So essentially you had an incorrect idea of what politics and the electoral process was supposed to be like. And when you realized that it wasn’t the way you expected or wanted it to be, instead of figuring it out and adjusting your expectations, you became cynical? 🙂 🙂 🙂

See my bit on the American electorate proving what doofuses they are time and again, So picking this guy or that candidate

The framers of the Constitution already had that figured out 227 years ago, which is why the “doofuses” don’t directly pick this guy or that candidate for president.

that you think will be the GUY, and that THIS TIME will be different, is a mistake I have made to many times in the past.

I’m sorry you have been disappointed so many times. I haven’t thought of any candidates like that since high school. They’re human beings, and they’re running for president, so how sane can they really be?

They are all the same!!

If you really believed that, you wouldn’t almost exclusively bash Democrats.