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nfgo3 – Two working parents. One who works in a Yeshiva, and whose salary goes to tuition (with tuition breaks offered to teachers, should be enough) and the other parent makes 60K – 80K as an accountant. Alternatively the wife can have a similar job.

Sorry, it was either edit or delete. – 29

Lives off the beaten path but walking distance to shuls in NYC, or out of town.

For example, looking at Zillow:

1621 E 51st street, Brooklyn – 449K

13 Merril Pl. Inwood NY – 310K

88 Livingston Ave, Staten Island, NY – 459K

225 Van Houten Ave, Passaic, NJ – 359K

There are many others. Yes, they are not Ave. J and 16th, but you can do it if you have the will to do so.