Reply To: Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva Reply To: Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva

🍫Syag Lchochma

gavra – i am always surprised by how unaware people are of what it means to live without money. I hope you thank Gd every moment for your bliss (no sarcasm, i mean that). Your comment about a second mortgage is the exact modern day equivelent of “let them eat cake”

the less objective message about whether or not a child is deserving of an education he can’t afford is a whole other subject that i dont think we would ever really agree upon or, as you have mentioned in past threads (at least i think it was you), family planning, which i never before had heard a frum yid suggest.