Reply To: Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva

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🍫Syag Lchochma

Syag: …I have to assume the OP has extreme and unusual circumstances that they are unwilling to disclose, but that will hurt them in justifying financial support.

or maybe they don’t feel like sharing it online, or maybe it is irrelevent because that isn’t really what their quesiton was.

As DY can tell you, I consider the term “Frum” as a pejorative. 🙂


We can discuss “family planning” on a different thread, if the mods let you do it.

i can assure you i have no interest in such a discussion. it would depress me greatly and is too individualized to be a discussion.

Finally, if you believe that the OP’s child is by definition deserving of a Yeshiva education, might I suggest that you either provide it or pay for it. I’m sure the Mods can get your spare $60,000 over to the OP.

considering tuition is about $13k-20k, Im not sure what i would be sending $60k for.

Oddly enough, I don’t disagree with your ideas of personal responsibility and cautios approach to what should be subsidized, but i do strongly disagree with the overlying (a touch louder than underlying) tone that i perceive in how far you take it. For example, not relying on bitachon for parnassa does not mean that there is no bitachon in parnassa. Believing people should pay their own way when they can, cut corners at all ends and put tuition first does not mean lock up your wallet so tight that you overscrutinize everyone else’s place in life to decide if they are worthy of the pennies Gd gave you to distribute (I am not being literal, I am trying to explain how I hear your posts)

I have said in many old threads that my husband and I were willing to live on one salary so that we could raise our own kids. We lived on less than $50k with six kids. no camp. one car. no vacations. no restaurants. no food stamps. but when i needed help for tuition, i truly believed that as humiliating as it was to ask for help, i was offering the community some wonderful, torah true, children with beautiful middos in exchange. if money is the only commodity then you may be right. I believe that some people give money and others have other things to give.