Reply To: Artscroll gemara now coming onto technology

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its great for traveling but soon these ipads will not only be used for traveling it will be people one gadget with all seforim on it & thats it

And that’s bad, why????

people may also C”V bring it into a restroom to read YWN & forget that Hashems name is written in it & thousands of seforim are on that same ipad. thats a major bizayon hatorah & may be ossur to bring into restroom.

No it’s not… not anymore than it is to bring a tape with an audio shiur into the bathroom. As long as it’s not on the screen, it’s fine.

Based on your logic, I could never swipe from one passuk to the next because I’d be erasing the Shem. Nonetheless, it’s clear that unless it’s literal writing, those halachos don’t apply.

Of course, one should not actively be learning on it while using the bathroom, but that just as easily applies to a physical book as well.

The Wolf