Reply To: Pesach for the First Time

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One thing I don’t see mentioned is that people have different chumrahs for Pesach (for example, peeled tomatoes, no Gebrokts, or specific meat providers). You may want to ask your adult guests if they have any that you need to know, as not to discomfort them or yourself.

Good luck. Personally, simple roasts are easy and delicious, and don’t forget that you can cook on Yom Tov, so make sure your oven has a setting that it doesn’t go off after 12 hours. Otherwise you can use a new toaster oven that fits a 9 by 13.

Also, Ittisa swears (figuratively) by a wok, which can be used to make all sorts of Kosher for Pesach foods easily 🙂

HAVE your husband help. He can clean, vacuum & schlep. Do not try to do it yourself.

And cook, and grate, and peel, and shop…….. 🙂