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Tzippi: It appears that you have an ax to grind regarding the kollel system and the unfair burden it places on girls.
This is a post of yours from three months ago
“As it is, for some reason over the last generation it has become much more widely accepted to support for x number of years. If boys will start dating earlier, say 2 years earlier, it will become x+2. Not necessarily good for the shalom bayis of the young couple, and may not help the parents much easier”
If you believe that $$$$ is a major cause of shidduch crisis, please come out and say it, (and I will disprove it). However if you are just complaining about the problems in the kollel system without relevance to the age gap …….
Do you really think that if boys go to EY for a year they will financially more prepared? Last I checked Brisk and Mir don’t have night college as part of the sidrei hayeshiva.
As for why people claim that the year in israel is unproductive for many boys, try speaking to the boys that have come back over the last couple of years. Is seems that a very large portion of them thought they would merit (avira de”y machkim) however unfourtantly it didn’t happen like they thought. Ask around the boys and their rebbeim. I await the results from your survey.