Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim for Jews of color Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color

Neville ChaimBerlin

I have to agree with Joseph on the black thing. People usually have race-preferences when it comes to attractiveness; the progressives have just made it really hard to talk about. It’s no different than having a hair or eye color preference as long as it isn’t rooted in racism. The problem is the liberals who like to scream about how everything is rooted in racism.

I’m actually a ger (not black though) and I would prefer to marry FFBs just as much as the next guy. People seem to have this assumption that BTs will fit better with BTs and gers with other gers. But, think about it, this is advocating for two people who don’t know what it’s like to be raised in an observant home to try to raise kids in an observant home. It’s way easier if at least one parent is FFB. I don’t understand being offended when people say they prefer FFBs over gers and BTs; it makes perfect sense to me.