Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim for Jews of color Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color


mdd, I think you should insist that half your children only marry geirim, and no one else, and the other half only marry BTs, and not consider anyone else in order to reduce the pain of geirim and BTs in shidduchim and help keep them on the derech. Definitely don’t waste any of the marriages on FFBs.

BTW, would you have married a Satmar girl or a MO girl or been happy to marry your daughter to a Lubavitch guy or a DL guy? Are you against considering weight, height, hair color or a girl’s prettiness when considering shidduchim?

Is considering a potential shidduch’s cultural and national background legitimate in your eyes? Does the Torah permit consideration of a potential shidduch’s status as a ben nidda? Would you marry a newly minted BT or newly minted Ger?

Is it okay for an Ashkenazi to want to only marry an Ashkenazi or for a Sephardi to only want to marry a Sephardi?