Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color

Home Forums Shidduchim Shidduchim for Jews of color Reply To: Shidduchim for Jews of color

Neville ChaimBerlin

Unfortunately I think Joseph’s alt account making days ended far before I got here.

I don’t think most gerim would disagree about being bothered by being pushed into marrying other gers or BTs. I also imagine it’s pretty common for male gers to feel bad about causing a female to give up minhagei avos for minhagim that aren’t exactly minhagei avos. I assume the “unusual view” you refer to is the fact that I’m not outraged by the reasonable expectation that one has a lot in common with the one he/she will be spending his/her life with. I think that’s just a matter of how empathetic a person is.

I can understand why it’s easier to write me off as a poser than to comprehend a ger who doesn’t fit into your narrative. I can also understand why it’s easier to write off anyone who sides with Joseph as an alt account (and in the past that would have had a high probability of being true). But, I will never understand the left’s insistence on trying to speak for groups of which they are not a part. See my above Redskins example.