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The shul is the Rav’s, and there is no board. However, like any shul, they do need money, and I’ve been told that this ringleader has plenty of it.

I asked my father why the Rav lets this happen. He’s not just some person, he’s a respected Rav (who’s been mentioned on YWN a couple of times!), and knows it is wrong. My father told me the Rav is very non-confrontational, and wants the shul members to be happy.

On the 7th day of Pesach, my younger brother got upset because of the talking. One guy (who isn’t such a huge talker, and recognizes that it’s a problem) told him that he needs to relax. He said, “It is what it is, and it won’t change! Getting upset won’t help!”

He then said to me, “Your brother needs to relax. Why is he getting so upset? What’s wrong with him?” I replied, “What do you mean, what’s wrong with him? What’s wrong with YOU!?!? He gets upset because of the lack of respect to Hashem. Why aren’t you upset? He’s not the one with a problem, YOU ARE!!! You say that this is the way things are, and getting upset won’t help? Well, maybe if enough people here got upset, things would change! How can you sit and watch such blatant disrespect to Hashem, and not get upset by it? What’s wrong with you???”

He walked away without answering me.