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Avi K


2. Use of laws to enforce discrimination is another matter. I was referring to homeowners who do not want to sell to Jews. However, in the end, as George Jefferson said, there is no white power or black power, only green power. The fact of the matter is that there was a tremendous movement of Jews to the suburbs after WW2. Jews, as Milton Friedman points out in “Capitalism and Freedom” have flourished under free enterprise. If they were excluded from the fraternity or sorority they started their own. If they were excluded form the country club they started their own. If they were excluded from Big Law they started their own firms or went into public service. The free choice door swings both ways.

3. Secular law cannot override Halacha except in some areas of dinei mamanot where that is part of the Halacha. For example, if the US would ban berit mila it would be incumbent on Jews to disobey. If you say differently than you are making an idol out of the lawmakers. Of course, aliya is the best answer anyway but not everyone is able, at least not on the spur of the moment.

4. I was referring to Jewish Communists in America.

5. I never wrote that Trump embodies Jewish values. He also does not have to. Only Bnei Noach values. Hillary certainly does not. In any case ,the question this year is not who is better but who is worse. Of course, if the FBI recommends indicting her than the ballgame changes completely. Her “adopted daughter” Huma Abedin said tjat she would be terrified if she were in Hillary’s shoes.