Reply To: Thoughts on Lag Bi’Omer

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heres a different question for lag ba’omer. what percentage of people are enjoying lag ba’omer-with all the entertainment it comes with-lekovod Rabban Shimon Bar Yochai for his honor & to give him respect versus enjoying it for the entertainment & parties etc…

whats your opinion? whats the ratio?

80 percent for gashmius entertainment 20% ruchnius lekovod RSB’Y?


HOW MANY are really celebrating with pure spirituality for RSB”Y? i don’t think too many. a very small amount of the total. but im not surprised based on todays dor we are living in where everything is about enjoying life & entertainment R”L forgetting what life is really about. you think we go to meron & Uman for their kovod? we go to enjoy ourselves & the entertainment it comes with R”L

May we return to Hashem with full ruchnius very soon