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DY: #1 is (IMHO) very subjective. I don’t know how many boys want to get married to girls just out of Sem, and how many are scared off by the (very reasonable in our society) possibility of divorce and alimony, let alone OTD, 612, and those who just don’t want the responsibility. I believe it is a reasonable assumption that 90+ % of girls (with a frum upbringing) want to get married (although I have no stats). Chazal say that the percentage of boys is significantly less (Tav L’Matav), and Puk Chazi says the same thing. However, I don’t know the numbers so I’m not going to guess.

Also (and I hate to do this), the word “want” is imprecise. If a boy would like/prefer to be married, but is not active looking for dates, but the girl believes the only reason that she exists is to get married, can you qualify both as “want”?