Reply To: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? Reply To: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business?

The little I know

I will chime in on the misleading headline to this post. TAG is an incredible organization that does not serve in order to make profit. They openly charge for certain mechanical services, such as removing internet access from certain devices, etc. These are intricate professional services. The volunteers there do excellent work, and I have needed their guidance many times – they passed all tests.

The filters that they charge for are commercial products. The payment does NOT go to TAG, but directly to the company that makes and sells the product.

The debate here about which filter to use is out of place. I discovered that different phones have different operating systems, and require filters that are matched. Likewise, people have different needs for their phones, and filters to accommodate those needs are a challenge to match. TAG has done a spectacular job for me (and for many others I know), and I commend them with the highest praises.

It was noted in an earlier comment that anyone desperate to violate the standards of shmiras einayim can find a way to do so. We cannot legislate and close every single avenue that the yetzer horah uses to tempt us. But we do need to take as many measures as we can. Meanwhile, we all have a pressing need to improve ourselves (a lifelong task) in our Yir’as Shomayim, so that our brains are involved in kedusha, and less prone to stray into the domains of tum’ah.

May we all be zocheh to rise higher in kedusha with our avodah in sefiras haomer and with the upcoming kabolas haTorah.