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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Why did the thread title make me think this was another Avi Weiss thread?

Anyhow, major Judaism hack: Mesivta Gemara (although I didn’t see a teirutz to PAA’s kashya there).

Minor Judaism hack: brewed coffee on Shabbos – make cold brew concentrate before Shabbos, or, the lazy, expensive way, use Starbucks Via. It’s better than most brewed coffee. Ask your posek if/how to make it, as it’s not made the same way as regular instant.

Also, popa, don’t mess with Ben Zion Shenker (who is ka’h still going strong, and recently released a beautiful album). The way he composed it was as a waltz with a certain tempo. I don’t either sing it as recorded, but musically, his way is better.

P.S. You could also get drunk every night and you’ll be an oiness for missing shacharis.