Reply To: UN resolution

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” Weren’t UNSC veto-bearing Britain and France on Israel’s side in that conflict?”

True, but by that time the UK government had already changed as the result of the disastrous outcome (largely the result of the Eisenhower/Dulles policies).

France’s socialist pro-Israel Prime Minister Guy Mollet was still in power, but in big political trouble as the Algerian War was started and the government’s main focus had shifted westward; Mollet needed all the support he could get to fight the Algerian NLF terrorist campaign (it wasn’t called that back then, but that was what it was). Unfortunately the French campaign degenerated into genocide and Algeria was lost anyway — a lesson for people who think Donald Trump’s similar ideas regarding what to do regarding Syria have any merit whatsoever. Mollet did, however, assist Israel in starting the Dimona nuclear reactor (and thus, nuclear weapons) before he was forced from power in June, eliminating the last barrier to the Eisenhower/Dulles sanctions plans. But by that time Ben-Gurion had been forced to cave.