Reply To: YWN: Gedolim Backed Nachal Chareidi At The Onset, Albeit Quietly

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I was being sarcastic.

Mw13: “Gedolim backed nachal Charedi… thoughts?”

A-Y “What are you asking? For laymen to comment on the opinions of the gedolei Torah?”

ubiquitin : “Lol american_yerushalmi that is exactly what Moshe Rabbeinu replied when told “…???-???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????”

Actually that is NOT what Moshe Rabbeinu replied. When he was told “..???-???? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????” His reply was not “A child in kindergarten doesn’t comment on the opinion of a professor in a university.” yisro had a “comment on the opinions of the gedolei Torah” and shared it.

Sorry if that wasnt clear