Reply To: YWN: Gedolim Backed Nachal Chareidi At The Onset, Albeit Quietly

Home Forums Controversial Topics YWN: Gedolim Backed Nachal Chareidi At The Onset, Albeit Quietly Reply To: YWN: Gedolim Backed Nachal Chareidi At The Onset, Albeit Quietly


“OK. You were still way off on the other thread”

That depends what he was looking for. He was looking for an open and shut pesak or for something he can give over in its entirety as a shiur on the subject. Yes I was waaaaaaaaaaay off.

If he was looking for a mareh makom on the subject, a passuk that is relevant but in no way all-encompassing then I stand by the relevance of my provided passuk to the subject at hand.

“(you comparison here, as you admit, wasn’t too great either).”

sigh, yes I admit