Reply To: YWN: Gedolim Backed Nachal Chareidi At The Onset, Albeit Quietly

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“I hope people are not comparing themselves to Yisro…”

Why on Earth not? I’d venture to say that the difference between Yisro and Moshe is less than that between us and R” Chaim Kanievesky. Besides so who where these pesukim written for if not for us? Is it just an interesting historical lesson that Yisro once questioned Moshe but is not applicable in future generations ch”v?

“Would Yisro have given his blessings to the endeavor saying, …”

Probably not, but I don’t know.

Wrong in fact questions/doubts/suggestions Should be voiced. Eizehu Chacham Halomed mikal adom. Not Alomed mikal adam chutz mikindirgarteners

Entirely true, but irrelevant.

Yes but it is possible.

Sorry to let you down Golfer

I guess I’m not as learned as you thought. I have absolutely no idea what You are trying to say. Am I looking in the write place?

I looked here

passuk yud

Just to back up. I am saying only one thing: That laypeople can (and should) question opinions of Gedolim. Not that the opinions should be ignored, not that it should be done in a chutzpadik way etc.