Reply To: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo

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“I’m also curious as to your position regarding the monitor”

I don’t have a position on the monitor specifically. In other states, when states have assumed various levels of control over local school systems, the state control has rarely if ever solved the problems that needed to be solved, and there is in general even less accountability.

I know that it is politically incorrect to say this, but East Ramapo’s school system will not have its problems fixed without a large influx of money, and none of the politicians are willing to deal with that issue.

All that said, my real position is that I do not think that there should even BE an East Ramapo School District — or any other local school district in NY State below the county level. There are large economies of scale in administration of larger school districts, and several states — Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky — have always made the county the basic unit of educational organization. Why does Westchester County need 48 school districts and Nassau County 56 when the entire state of Maryland gets alone with only 24? Merge all the Rockland school districts together and many of these problems will disappear immediately.