Reply To: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo

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Thanks everyone.

As one of the big complaints is the out of district special ed costs, why not set up an arbitration panel to handle all requests. One member from the Five Towns district (which would be Yeraim, but get along with neighbors), one from East Ramapo, and one being the monitor. Each side would have to fully discuss, and then document the decision. This would help the argument against the state that special ed children should be placed in expensive Yeshivos.

Also, the district should cap payment to the Yeshivos at what they would otherwise pay internally, for example by obtaining figures from surrounding districts. That would counter the argument that paying external Yeshivos waste funds.

These are all bandaids, though. Until the private school community agrees to increase taxes to pay for increases in services to themselves (because they think taxes go to public schools, but the increases needed are due to the private school sector), nothing will be solved.