Reply To: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo

Home Forums Local Monsey School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo Reply To: School Board Monitors in Lakewood & East Ramapo


Your sole concern is courtesy bussing so that your kid doesn’t have to walk a couple of blocks, and you don’t care if programs for the district’s kids have to be cut to pay for it

And would rather public school programs be cut because it only affects “????????”, even if it hurts yourselves by cutting busing.

Unfortunately, Lakewood B’shittah (and they hold it is a good thing) is so closely tied to government funding (and not local that would cost them in taxes), the results of the Referendum are expected. Just don’t hold your breath for the state to bail you out when they have Camden, Atlantic City and Newark to deal with first (unless HaGaon Rosh Yeshiva BMG Aaron Kotler can pull a rabbit out of his black hat. He has done it before).