Reply To: Blood Drives, Giving Blood

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Seeing a family member needing blood and not having enough made me realize what a mitzvah and how important it is for e/o to di. I and many others in my family have not common blood types so in case of nessecity there is not normally enough in a general blood bank.

there is a big difference btwn giving to magen dovid edom and the american red cross which can and should be taken into consideration.

Also, it is just like a blood test. I was nervous before my first blood test as a kid and after that it was nothing.

The only reason I don’t give more often is because my health hasn’t allowed me too because of certain medications i am taking.

otherwise whenever i can i think ppl should make it a habbit to give whenever possible.

platelets is not more painful just a little more time and is no different to me as far as yes/no.

a kidney i would probably give if it was medically ok’d and it was a frum person.