Reply To: Blood Drives, Giving Blood

Home Forums Health & Fitness Blood Drives, Giving Blood Reply To: Blood Drives, Giving Blood


I started when I was 17. Gave religiously. Then someone in Yeshiva put me on his donor list. I forget whether it was for Chai Lifeline or Bikur CHolim…When someone needed blood he would send 2 or 3 guys to which ever hospital it was (usually NYU, sometimes Mt. Sinai) and we gave for a specific CHoleh. Once I got married and started working I “slacked off” a bit because of my schedule. I have gone to some local blood drives. Then they arranged a blood drive at work (for NY Blood Center). I asked my Rov if I can give. He said it was OK. I think it’s a Kiddush Hashem for people out on Long Island to see a frumme yid giving blood. I have given platelets for specific cancer patients (through a Chai Lifeline “agent”). My only issue is that it is time consuming (1.5 – 2 hours vs. 20 – 30 min. for whole blood).
