Reply To: Should Traffic Fine Money Be Given Out as Prizes to Good Drivers?

Home Forums Politics Should Traffic Fine Money Be Given Out as Prizes to Good Drivers? Reply To: Should Traffic Fine Money Be Given Out as Prizes to Good Drivers?


I think governments in the area where I live – the vicinity of New York City – do a lousy job of penalizing drivers, i.e., not enough bad drivers who are breaking traffic rules are getting fined or jailed.

I think drunk drivers should face a mandatory jail sentence at least as strong as people illegally possessing guns. I think texters while driving should be penalized like drunk drivers. And speeders going more than 10 mph over the limit should be fined enough so that the fine hurts – $500 for a first offense, $1000 for a second. And if they were speeding in expensive, overpowered cars, the fines should be tripled.