Reply To: Arguing with Rishonim and Achronim

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R’ Dovid Feinstein told me once ??? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????

If your cognition tells you otherwise, that is what you need to rely upon while devoting your years , struggling and wrestling inwardly how to fit with the words of the rishonim


If you have a problem with what they said,

that’s wonderful!

Once Again,

A savvy four year old who comes with proofs against their parent,and they may have some validity in a vacuum

But only an idiot would side with the preschooler OR tell the child HE SHOULD rely on himself

If,however,he comes in 40 years,and tells you he really was right when he was a child , probably you would give him some credence

Similarly, if someone “plugs” for 40 odd years on it ,and THEN still contests ,there’s what to talk about

.. “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time …