Reply To: May one use an escalator on shabbos?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee May one use an escalator on shabbos? Reply To: May one use an escalator on shabbos?


DaasYochid: Words and concepts are important. You cannot just arbitrarily develop a new concept that have no direct source in halocho. I will quote you a myriad sources where a word and/or concept is vitally important in halocho. Hence, if you cannot explain to me the concept of “zilzul Shabbos” and its origin, it weakens your case.

In the “wheat analogy” you ignore the fact that it is the human-Jew- who actually puts in the wheat. Additionally, it seems that this is a unique situation, as we all use Shabbos clocks routinely, although we have adjusted it before Shabbos.

As far as the chelkas Yaakov and his quote from the “shoeil umeishiv”,you prove my point. R”Yosef Shaul Nathanson does not give any concrete source for an issur except for the general aspect: “es is nisht shabbosdik “. Fine, I’ll accept that but this approach has is limitations.