Reply To: Police Brutality and Possible Racism

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Wolf, you completed the investigation to conclude that the guy wasn’t a criminal and wasn’t stopped for a reason greater than a broken taillight and that he complied with the lawful orders of the officer who stopped him?

Or, perhaps, Mr. Wolf (see, I’m not calling you Rabbi) you simply ate up everything the media fed you on this story, wholesale, as well as that so-called girlfriend whose first reaction before the smoke of the gun cleared was to whip out a smartphone, startup some streaming app and begin filming a video of her injured but not yet dead boyfriend, falsely narrating that he’s dead and whatever other figments of her wild imagination conjured up rather than rendering assistance, requesting medical attention or cooperating with law enforcement officials – all the while her “friend” lay bleeding beside her.

While neither of us know much details on a case that is hardly 24 hours old, and the OP referenced multiple cases (“another”), what we do know from the earlier cases is that almost every one of these #blacklivesmatter police shootings involved a career criminal not complying with orders from a law enforcement officer, usually after being stopped for actual or suspected criminal behavior.