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Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? Reply To: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options?

The little I know

One element seems to have eluded the comments on this post. Before asking about the jobs out there, the real first question should be about the individual. What sets of skills and potential exist? Next question should be what fields does this individual like? Sforim refer to the parnosoh that is declared on Rosh Hashana as dependent on the individual being a recipient. It is completely conceivable that someone was given an allotment on Rosh Hashana but never received it. Reasons – there were enough aveiros to impede the flow of shefa from HKB”H, the absence of hishtadlus, etc. The Torah is replete with havtochos that required a special step of a “bris” or a “shevu’ah” in order that they become fulfilled (see Ramban on bris bein habesorim). Just because someone merits a generous kitzvah of parnosoh does not guarantee that it occurs. All we are certain of is that the individual will not receive what was not set into place on Rosh Hashana.

We need to begin the job seeking process by looking for something that is relevant to the individual. One would not look to give a cripple a job loading trucks or playing basketball. Granted, sometimes, someone is stuck settling for something that is far from first choice. But that is where to begin the process.

It is legendary that our Torah world guides anyone that knows how to sit to stay in kollel, with the hopes of bitachon that some miracle will occur and grant the untrained and unskilled with positions that earn handsome wages. Sorry, but such thinking is not more than pure fantasy. Lotteries have better odds. It is strongly based on hishtadlus, but this requires saichel to direct the job seeker to careers that make sense for him.