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Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options? Reply To: Do rebbes go to college?/Yeshivish job options?

🍫Syag Lchochma

You can say that about any career. “If being a lawyer is such a good job, it will become saturated.” “If being a psychologist is such a good job, it will become saturated.” “If being a website developer is such a good job, it will become saturated.”

This is only true for the women’s fields, not the men’s and here’s why –

men’s talents are very limited so they can only go into fields they are good at. Women, on the other hand, can do anything, so if a field proves to be good for frum people, they grab it. that’s why the womens fields are all saturated (OT, Speech, nursing, ABA etc)
