Reply To: Frum Jews on Reality Shows

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I. M. Shluffin

I’m on yosefaleichem’s side. I think these occasions are incredible opportunities for us to show the world that Jews are people too (more so, actually. We’ll leave it at that) and that there are still people (I’m still talking about us) who adhere to the Torah, which humankind thinks is an outdated and inessential history textbook. You can do a lot in the entertainment industry because viewers, of which there are tons, are open and receptive to what they are watching. If we can make this kiddush Hashem via a halachically safe (maybe they should have worn blinders) and inoffensive way, I think the world can only stand to gain. Again, it’s the old how-do-I-stay-frum-if-I-do-kiruv complex. People who venture out into this circumstances must have a firm, unswerving grip on their yiddishkeit and try not to get dirty while enlightening the mud.