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WolfishMusings: But it was always and is Assur, and that never changed.
This (women being in charge of the home and income, vs. the husband only working) did change over time (industrial revolution, two income homes), but the basis always existed in halacha (the concept of “Aini Nezones V’Aini Os’e”).
End story: We follow halacha, and halacha never changes (yes there are halachos that go Basar social norms, but lets save that for another thread). Women working and not taking care of the home (hiring someone else or having the husband do it) is, and always was, within the realm of Halacha. (Noted that Rav Miller holds its a bad idea).
Kasha: A woman is Chayiv unless someone else does it. See the Bais Shmuel I quoted. Men are also Chayiv to feed their wives, as well as providing clothing (and paying tuition for their sons!). Someone mentioned the divorce rate; If only the husbands and wives would worry about their own chiyuvim instead of each others, the divorce rate would be way down (quote from my Moshgiach).
And thank you for the correct quote of Rav Miller.