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Response to SJSinNYC
;;;;;;;”Men are generally larger so they can generally wield more physical force. ;;;;;;;;;;;
Which means they can do better on physical jobs like police and firefighters which means that in general that both genders are NOT doing ‘equal’ work to earn that ‘equal pay’.
;;;;;;;;;;”As to the Clinton thing – I bet I could find plenty of men who voted for Obama because of his race. In fact, there was some sort of radio broadcast done with that kind of thing – showcasing people voting for Obama because of his race. I’ll try to find the source later. People (both men AND women) make stupid decisions. “;;;;;;
You are right; But in that case the men of that race are thinking that “one of their own will help them”.
While still illogical it has a bit more substance them merly choosing a president purely because of his looks.
;;;;;”I work for Coned. I can honestly say that most of the workers are trying hard and do a great job. They had no problem submitting to my authority when I was supervising them.”;;;;;
Coned being semi private, has some say so over it’s negotiations with it’s workers especially when it comes to dangerous jobs such as working with very high voltage lines and equipment.
OSHA would not have it any other way.
Coned has monopoly and thus can get away with charging plenty to pay high priced union workers to keep them happy and actually working.
I said nothing about any workers submitting tp your authority over them on the job.
But since you bring it up I would have problem doing that either
as long as you treated me with respect and in a professional manner.
Teachers on the other hand, often do a lousy job and constantly demand yet more pay and more vacations for worse work.
I have personally seen (several times) Transit workers standing around with about 6 of them with onoly one working at any given time.
The one actually on the tracks working, changes places with one of the ones standing around, after about 10 minutes.
So each ‘worker’ gets about 50 minutes of rest for each hour on the job, besides their lunch and other breaks.
This of course is while being paid union wages at taxpayer expense.
;;;;;;;;;”The women had to pass the same qualifications for the jobs (some mental, some physical and none washed down) for each position. Construction workers need to be able to lift about 50 lbs by themselves – anything else is classified as dangerous and is a “two man lift” or needs mechanical means. There are OSHA laws regulating things like this and its about safety. A lot of leniencies in job requirements today are actually about worker safety, not the feminist agenda.”;;;;;;;;
So please tell me (especially since this is the third time I am mentioning it and you have never addressed this point) how lowering the height requirement for cops so that tiny women can get the job, improves either the safety of the cops themselves or of the public they are supposed to serve?
This most definately is part of the feminist agenda.