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Getting back to the earlier “equality” discussion here, I found some additional points on this topic.
Regarding the discussion of the husband ruling his wife, per Bereshis, see the Ramban on Bereishis 3:16.
Your dismissing of the pasuk in the Torah’s saying he shall rule over her as merely a curse and not the ideal isn’t tenable, especially without you being equally dismissive of the part of the pasuk saying a wife “desiring” her husband is not necessary, since its only a curse.
Anyways, that point aside, see support for what I’m saying in Likutim on the mishna in Kerisus and in Torah Temima, Bereishis 3:16, note 22 that the husband “ruling” the wife is actual halacha and the Torah ideal, not just a curse.
Further supporting this is the Mishna Kerisos 6:9 and Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos Ishus 15:20.
Then there is the halacha that all of a wife’s money/property (acquired after marriage) belongs to the husband (Bava Kama 87a). And that only brothers (and not sisters unless there are no brothers) inherit their father. (Bamidbar 27:8 and S”A CM 276:1)
Kesuvos 48a-48b (Mishna) – A girl is always in her father’s “Reshus”, until she enters her husband’s “Reshus” for Nisu’in.