Reply To: Feminism

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Thanks moderator for removing the bold in the text.

Kasha, I never heard of the word “semantics”. Maybe you meant syntax?

I read over my previous post twice and found the word equal only 5 times. However, it could be that you’re right because I somehow skip words when I try to read in a technical way i.e. proofread or in this case count the word equal.

In any case, even if I did use the word equal 6 times, I deliberately repeated that word so that my message will be understood because throughout the thread the message that women are not equal to men was continuously brought up. Like when you wrote “As far as the “equality” issue, the sources I quoted above, as well as previous comments I posted here, clearly indicate otherwise. Just as an orange isn’t “equal” to an apple (or better than an apple), men aren’t “equal” to women (or better than women.) So no, men and women are not equal.

I do hope I made myself clear that a husband’s role of authority in the marriage does not mutually exclude equality in marriage or in general between both genders.

Now to tie this into the theme of the thread I will finish with believing in equality between both genders does not mean believing feminism to be right, as feminism clouds the differences and consequently roles that Hashem created for each of us as individuals and as men and women to perform.