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SJSinNYC so you are now admittimng you are misconstruing information on purpose.
I only REACTED to YOU.
If that is what you call it then you are saying this is what YOU were doing first to me.
This is like the story where the baker takes the dairy man to a Beis Din because he says the Dairy man is cheating him in charging him for a pound of butter and not giving him a full pound.
To make a long story short, the dairy man was very honest and bit nieve, in thinking that he could use the pound of bread he got from the baker as a weight in his scales (the type with equal weights on both sides to balence out) and measured his weight of butter that way.
Whatever I did was a direct reflection of what was done first to me if it was ok to do TO me, then by definition it was ok for ME to do.
Now if someone who does not like being hoisted by their own petard, wants to sulk about it, that is not MY fault.