Reply To: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade Reply To: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade

Ben Levi


I am wondering why you are ignoring the thrust of the posts.

Karten is a practicing psychologist, He affirms it does work in his practice and his essential point is that you are dead wrong.

All actual scientific studies done with the same methodology used for any study have proven that it has the same rates of success of any other therapies.

That is a fact and he goes through the actual studies.

There are no studies done that show it not to work much less to be harmful.

Is there anecdotal tales from those it’s failed on?


A majority is not ruled out by a minority.

Much as marriage therapy is not deemed harmful because of the anecdotes of those who have been harmed by therapy in specific circumstances.

I have quoted articles, and pointed to exact studies.

You refutation is what?

Are there any specific studies you can point to?

And please do not point to the AMA again, I went through all six people who did that study, and showed how the idisputable facts are on record.

They rejected any attempt to have non-biased people do that study in favor of those who publicly admitted they were biased and had formed opinions beforehand.