Reply To: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade

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Syag Lchochma, I am not “getting upset and carried away”, actually, I’m not sure why you think I am…Gravity was an example to illustrate the point I was making about scientific consensus and how at a certain point you have to accept that consensus and consider it a done deal– UNLESS and UNTIL the medical establishment itself decides to reconsider. A handful of “studies” published by people who are not recognized medical experts and whose work is outside the pale, should be disregarded.

I’m almost afraid to hear the response, but I’m curious whether or not anybody here believes that man-made climate change is real. That would be another definitive conclusion reached by the scientific community. Are there a minority of people who deny climate change? Yes. Do some of those people have scientific degrees? Sure. But when 99% of scientists, including the best and brightest in the industry, the leading voices of modern scientific theory, when they all come to the same conclusion, what good is it to cry “But Dr. So and So did a study!” It just doesn’t make any sense.

Health, what are you talking about? The AMA says that conversion therapy does NOT work.

dovrosenbaum: Correct. Their actual sexual orientation will never change, but they can choose celibacy.