Reply To: Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why")

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why") Reply To: Why people become OTD (with the focus on the "why")


Sparkly- that’s kind of sad. Both the way you see MO as seemingly a secondary permissive movement for people who can’t handle the “real thing” (or so it seems from what you say- forgive me if I’m wrong) and that you assume that yeshivish people will never be able to ask/answer questions.

Joseph- really? In a survey? If you asked someone OTD what his/her favorite book was, would you be able to trust them? If you asked them their opinion on the news, would you not be able to trust them? If you would, then don’t pull that out now specifically for this. If you wouldn’t, then admit it straight out in the beginning without twists and turns of specious criticisms of methodology.